Physiotherapy at home

Physiotherapy service specalising in older adult rehabilitation based in and around Saddleworth, Oldham and Tameside area.

Enjoy life and reap the benefits

Physiotherapy & rehabilitation for the elderly

We provide physiotherapy specialised in older adult rehabilitation based in around Saddleworth, Oldham and Tameside area. We focus on building strength and endurance in older adults to help in the following ways:-
-Keeping moving/active
-Preventing deconditioning
-Preventing muscle weakness
-Decrease the risk of falls and related injuries
-Maintaining independence in performing daily activities
-Optimize quality and enjoyment of life

Natalie Tweed


– Master of Science with Distinction in Advanced Clinical Practice 2021 – Bolton University 
– Bachelor of Science Degree in Physiotherapy 2010 – Salford University
– Registered Member of The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Health Care Professional Council 

Physiotherapy plays a vital and important role in working with older adults. They are involved in preventing disease and disabilities, treating current conditions, managing symptoms and preventing further deconditioning when living with multiple long term health conditions.

Physiotherapy assessments and treatments in the comfort of your own home at a time that is right for you.

Assessments will look at your full functional movement, strength, posture and co-ordination with everyday activities such as walking or climbing the stairs. You will sit with the therapist to discuss your concerns and wishes to create short- and long-term goals which will lead onto the development of your treatment plan.

Treatments may involve a combination of education / advice, hand on techniques as well as individual exercise prescriptions with the aim to get you back to your previous level of function or prevent further deconditioning.

Each follow up visits by a therapist will review progress and develop your treatment plan as necessary in order to achieve your goals. We strive to improve individuals function, health and well-being.

We put patient’s needs at the centre of all our decisions and everything we do will be in your best interest.

Physiotherapy can provide a number of benefits for you including:

  • Regaining your independence
  • Maximize your safety
  • Reducing the risk of falling
  • Restoring your confidence
  • Improving your quality of life
  • Helping you to carry out activities of daily living
  • Improve mobility indoor / outdoors
  • Maintaining your muscle strength
  • Improving balance and walking pattern


Movement, strength, mobility, coordination, range of movement, and balance treatment plans.

Benefits of private physiotherapy

– We come to you to assess you within your own home

– Flexible appointments – including evenings and weekends

– You decide how often you see your physiotherapist

Our happy clients

“We found Natalie through the Saddleworth Monthly Magazine. Mum had fallen down the stairs last year and was experiencing difficulty walking unaided and getting in and out of house because of the front door step. Natalie came and reviewed mum and suggested 2 home visits a week for 8 weeks. Natalie’s worked miracles and mum 5 weeks in is walking on her own and getting in and out of the house easily. Mum’s confidence has grown and she is now booking a holiday abroad which would have been unthinkable only a few weeks ago. Natalie is very professional, experienced and she has such a gentle way of encouraging and making you believe in yourself we think she’s marvelous and a miracle worker Thank you Natalie.”
“Natalie provided excellent care for my partner. She had been bedbound following chest infection and sepsis; all her care being given at home. Natalie brought in the advice and help of a fellow colleague who was an occupational therapist and the turning point was getting her dressed and more mobile. She is now able to be mobile again in the day and comes downstairs like she used to before being taken ill. At present we don’t need Natalie because she did such a good job but we know if needed we can recontact her and get further help and advice.”
“Natalie sat down with me and went through all of my concerns. She put me at ease and was confident and diligent with her care. Couldn’t of asked for better care, I now feel with her help and the exercises provided that I can and will start to get better.”
“Natalie’s knowledge, experience and enthusiasm shows through. My problems were clearly understood with an action plan implemented. I saw weekly progression and improvement seen and felt. I would recommend without hesitation.”

“My confidence in walking outside had reduced since my fall last year and not getting out as much as I would usually do. Home Grown Independence gave me exercises and practiced walking outside with me until I had the confidence to go the shop on my own again. I was recommended a walking aid which has helped me feel safer and I can use it to put my shopping in. I feel without the support I would have been relying on neighbors and friends to do my shopping”


Doreen Earnshaw, 75

“I would fully recommend Home Grown Independence to anyone who feels they are struggling with their walking and getting about. Natalie was very professional, friendly and helped me build my strength and confidence walking again. Thank you Natalie”

Sheila Myers, 82

Want to find out more or book an appointment?