An initial physiotherapy consultation includes a thorough functional assessment looking at movement, strength, balance and walking abilities, within your own home.

It will then be followed by recommendations that will be personally tailored to your needs which will be your rehabilitation plan, including advice around target specific exercise programs and appropriate equipment or walking aids to meet your rehabilitation goals.

Other recommendations and services can be discussed and price dependent.

Initial Physiotherapy consultation

Initial Physiotherapy consultation Length of appointment: 45-60 mins

Follow up appointment

This will be treatment sessions following your rehabilitation plan and exercise progression. Length of appointment: 30 mins

Exercise program

6 session exercise program Duration: 6×30 mins

Fall prevention package

Fall prevention package Includes joint initial assessment with physiotherapist and occupational therapist which looks at environment risks, 6 sessions Duration: 6x 40 min sessions

Want to find out more or book an appointment?