Physiotherapy plays a vital and important role in working with older adults. They are involved in preventing disease and disabilities, treating current conditions, managing symptoms and preventing further deconditioning when living with multiple long term health conditions.

Physiotherapy assessments and treatments in the comfort of your own home at a time that is right for you.

Assessments will look at your full functional movement, strength, posture and co-ordination with everyday activities such as walking or climbing the stairs. You will sit with the therapist to discuss your concerns and wishes to create short- and long-term goals which will lead onto the development of your treatment plan.

Treatments may involve a combination of education/advice, hands on techniques as well as individual exercise prescriptions with the aim to get you back to your previous level of function or prevent further deconditioning.

Each follow up visits by a therapist will review progress and develop your treatment plan as necessary in order to achieve your goals. We strive to improve individuals function, health and well-being.

We put patient’s needs at the centre of all our decisions and everything we do will be in your best interest.

  • Specialised and comprehensive assessments and treatments for managing fall prevention and frailty
  • Restore function in the comfort of your own home
  • Advice and treatment aimed at reducing musculoskeletal pain
  • Build strength with tailored exercise plans
  • Indoor and /or outdoor mobility assessments and treatment plans

Physiotherapy can be useful if you have recently had a fall, accident, recent hospital stay or would like to improve your independence and functional capacities.

  • Recent deterioration in mobility
  • Recently been discharged from hospital
  • Fallen or at risk of falling
  • Recent injury
  • Pain is limiting mobility or function
  • Recent operation
  • Interested in improving their independence and functional abilities
  • Living with one or more long term health condition(s) to prevent deconditioning

Falls prevention

A multifactorial approach to falls assessment and prevention, which includes physiotherapy reduces falls over for 65s and over.

Included in the fall’s prevention program:

  • Evidence based exercise program to optimize individuals’ strength and balance (six-week program)
  • Home hazard modification (support to remove trip hazards around your home and advice on making the environment safer)
  • Recommendations on equipment to improve transfers and mobility
  • Advice on ways to complete activities of daily living safely
  • Teach getting up from the floor following a fall / or hoe to minimize time spent on the floor
  • Mobility assessments

Contact us to find out more information.